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    Door locks are not made to last a lifetime.

    Once you find your lock is not working as it should be, it either needs a lock repair or a replacement.

    However, repairing a lock can be done by yourself considering you know how to perform it.

    When it comes to lock repair, you have two options: head to the hardware store to buy the tools or call a professional locksmith.

    If you’re quite the DIY person, some locks repairs are achievable on your own.

    However, relying on a professional locksmith company is recommended if you want your lock to work and function.

    A broken lock can jeopardize the security of your home.

    Hence, it’s crucial to get it fixed right away to make the lock work again.

    Here are some common scenarios when a lock needs repair.

    Jammed Lock

    This is a common problem to most locks – when you insert the key, you find that the lock won’t turn.

    You can prevent this situation with a bit of preventive maintenance.

    However, it’s tricky when you’re dealing with the actual problem.

    Once you experience a jammed lock, do not force the key to turn it as it may cause further damage to the lock mechanism.

    Most often, a jammed lock happens due to dirt and dust accumulation.

    To resolve this problem, you can try some DIY repairs on your own.

    First, spray compressed air into the keyhole to remove the debris.

    Then, lubricate the inside part of the keyhole with a spray straw filled with oil.

    Don’t just use any oil for this matter.

    Make sure to use a lubricant suitable for locks to avoid making the situation worse.

    However, if lubricating won’t work, call Pick Me Locksmiths for a lock repair.

    Frozen Lock

    As the cold weather arrives, it’s common for a lock to freeze.

    It can be inconvenient to experience a frozen lock.

    Luckily, it can be resolved quickly.

    These are the steps to follow to stop the lock from freezing.

    • Warm the key – warm the key by placing it in a hot pot of water or the car radiator.

    Then, wear gloves and insert the warmed key into the keyhole.

    As the key slips in, it should melt the ice. Make sure to reheat the key and repeat the process until the lock is de-frost.

    • Use a de-icer – Spray de-icer into the iced portions of the lock to melt them.
    • Use a hairdryer – You can also use a hairdryer to de-ice the lock.

    On the other hand, if the methods don’t work, contact Pick Me Locksmiths – a reliable locksmith company to assist you.

    Locks Working Slowly

    A slow lock indicates signs of vulnerability.

    The most common reason is the misalignment of the latches and deadbolts.

    The slow lock usually happens when you previously installed the locks on your own.

    Consequently, the door would cause a problem in the long term.

    Even regular locks should be adjusted, so the deadbolts and latches are aligned.

    Even if you’re getting used to this problem, complications may happen soon.

    Temperature change causes misalignments as door frames expand or contract due to heat and cold.

    When a slow lock happens, you won’t lock the door properly.

    As a result, it would lead to break-ins.

    For this reason, don’t get tricked by a slow lock.

    Once you’re having this problem, you will be risking your home to potential break-ins.

    Thus, a lock repair is recommended to address this problem.

    Lock picking

    If the key is stuck within the lock, you might want to pick the lock on your own.

    Lock picking includes wrenching and tools such as pick, rake, and tension wrench.

    However, most homeowners don’t have these tools.

    Instead, they use bobby pins or sharp objects.

    You may unlock the doors successfully, but you’re damaging the lock in the process.

    Instead, call a locksmith company such as Pick Me Locksmiths to help you pick the lock.

    Contact a professional locksmith today

    If you want your lock to be in good condition, the best thing you can do is contact Pick Me Locksmiths.

    Pick Me Locksmiths will help you provide the lock services you need – whether it’s a lock repair, replacement, or duplicate.

    Instead of trying to repair a lock by yourself, you can always rely on the job to us.

    Call us so we can mend your broken locks in your home.

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